Friends of the Aplington Legion Memorial Library
Want to become a Friend of the library?
As Friends we:
- Spread the word about library programs, resources, and services
- Hold bi-annual used book sales that directly benefit the library through services, and purchasing library materials.
- Volunteer to help in the library
- Promote literacy in the community
- Sponsor special programs that make use of the library
- Organize special programs and guest speakers
- Organize pop can recycling that benefits directly various technologies in the library
We have various categories of membership:
- Yearly Individual ($10.00)
- Yearly Business
- Lifetime Individual ($200.00)
Your contribution benefits the library through services relating to children, teen and adult programming, and so much more.
Contact the library for more information.

Presentation on the first 100 years of Aplington's history by Janelle Willis of the Aplington Historical Society. This program was sponsored by the Friends of the Library.

The bi-annual book sale occurs in May and December (in accordance with Aplington's Chocolate Walk and the Library's open house). The book sale is comprised of materials weeded from the library's collection and donations from the public. All procedes are used by the library through a variety of means.