Library Policies

All library policies are available to the public upon request.

Weather Closure Policy:

The Aplington Legion Memorial Library’s policy on weather-related closures is as follows: the library will follow the Aplington-Parkersburg Community School Districts’ closings, but final determination will be made by the library director or assistant director.

Aplington Legion Memorial Library Closures 2025

The library will be closed the following days in observance of the following holidays:

New Year's Day Wednesday 1/1/2025
Good Friday Friday 4/18/2025
  Saturday 4/19/2025
Memorial Day Monday 5/26/2025
Fourth of July Friday 7/4/2025
Labor Day Monday 9/1/2025
Thanksgiving Day Thursday 11/27/2025
  Friday 11/28/2025
  Saturday 11/29/2025
Christmas Eve Wednesday (close at noon) 12/24/2025
Christmas Day Thursday 12/25/2025
Saturday before New Years Wednesday (close at noon) 12/31/2025
New Years Day Thursday 1/1/2026


The library will be closed on the following Saturdays in August 2025:

  • August 2
  • August 9
  • August 16
  • August 23
  • August 30