Summer Reading Program
Summer Reading 2023 is jam-packed and full of events for the whole family. Below is the schedule for programming this summer including Story Time, K-5th grade, Tweens and Teens, and Adult programming.
Story Time Programming (Ages 3--6)
Story Time is a program for your little one with age-appropriate stories, sing-alongs, and crafts. There is also a focus on early-childhood literacy and recognizing letters, numbers, shapes, and colors. Families are welcome to attend these events.
Summer Reading Program (K--5th Grade)
Kindergarten through 5th-grade programming is designed to make learning fun, be active, promote literacy, and highlight local resources. Programs will take place either in Aplington or in Parkersburg.
Some events are suitable for certain age groups. Please keep in mind all programming for Summer Reading for ages 0-18 is on this calendar.

Tweens and Teens (Grades 6th--12th)
Tweens and teens in 6th-12th grades are welcome to join us at the library this summer.
Although all events for tweens and teens are free this year, some circumstances require registration due to limited supplies. Registration for these events will be open for two weeks prior to the event:
Call the Aplington Library at 319-347-2432 to register for Teen Art Camp.
Call the Parkersburg Library at 319-346-2442 to register for Put Put Mini Golf.